To book a school tour with our Head of School, please contact
Admissions for September 2022:
The Admissions Policy for Keeble Gateway Academy will be in line with the School Admissions Code, the School Admissions Appeals Code and admissions law.. Our admissions process is inclusive, open, fair and transparent.
The published admission number is 30 places in each year of entry into Reception from September 2019. The Academy admits up to this number each year to the Reception year and when full the Academy will have 210 pupils on roll. There is a 26 place nursery in addition to this.
In September 2019, we opened our new school with our first Reception intake of children. Our school now accommodates Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 children.
If you require any further information, please visit North Yorkshire School Admissions website, here. If you would like to apply for a place mid-year, please contact us and we will be happy to assist and guide you through the process.
Admissions Arrangements for 2023-24:
Keeble Gateway Academy is part of the Elevate Multi Academy Trust.
However, our admission arrangements to school are managed by North Yorkshire County Council in line with the School Admissions Code and Fairness Access Protocols.
This applies to places when children would normally start school (the Reception Year) and to children who may join the school after this time (for example, as the result of a house move).
Published Admissions Number
Our PAN (Published Admissions Number) which is the maximum number the Academy may admit to a single year group is: 30
Published Admission number for 2021/22: 30
Published Admission number for 2022/23: 27
Published Admission number for 2023/24: 30
Proposed PAN for 2024/25: 30
Admissions arrangements can be found at:
Applications must be made on the application form which is provided by the Local Authority. Full details can be found by clicking the following link:-
Admissions Policy: The Academy has adopted the local authority’s policy for admissions and applications. To read the Admissions policy please click on:
Applying for an in-year place
An in-year application can be made at any time of the year. You can only apply up to a term in advance of the date you want the school place. The online form will only allow you to apply for the year group your child should be in according to your child's date of birth.
North Yorkshire will start working on applications around six weeks prior to your requested start date and our aim to process applications within 20 school days after that. However, if you apply very early, this may not apply as we can only start processing applications towards the end of term, as follows:
Date child will join the school |
Earliest application should be submitted |
Applications will be processed from: |
January to March |
1 September onwards |
1 November onwards |
April to July |
1 January onwards |
1 March onwards |
September to December |
1 June onwards |
1 June onwards |
Admissions Appeals Timetable
Currently North Yorkshire County Council are overseeing
Admissions Appeals for Elevate’s Academies.
Please go to:
If you would like to find out more, or to meet with our Executive Head teacher or Head of School, please call our Academy office to make an appointment on 01845 448227 or e-mail us at:
Where the school receives more applications than there are places available, after the admission of pupils with an Education, Health and Care plan naming the school, priority for admission will be given to those children who meet the criteria set out below, in priority order:
1. Looked after children and children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to adoption, a child arrangements order, or special guardianship order.
2. Priority will next be given to the siblings of pupils attending the school at the time the application is received (where an older sibling is in year 6 siblings will not be prioritised under this criterion).
3. Priority will next be given to children attending the school nursery.
4. Children who live nearest the school measured from the front door of the home address to the main school gate, by the shortest walking route.
5. Other children