Every Child Achieves

Every Child Achieves

At Keeble Gateway Academy, children’s happiness and wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do. We know that nurturing relationships, ensure that our children feel happy and safe to come to school, and with that comes their readiness to learn and thrive.

 As a school, we endeavour to weave the five ways to well-being through everything we do, ensuring that children have the opportunity to connect with others, to learn new things, to take notice of the world around them, to be active, and to give back to their community and the people they love. This is achieved through our carefully planned and rigorous curriculum, and by also providing a wealth of opportunities for children to experience new things. Scroll to the bottom of the page to take a look at our Opportunities Pledge!

Happy Fest 2021:

Our intent is to nurture our children to grow into resilient and mindful individuals, who are equipped with the knowledge and skills to self-regulate and thrive through all of the challenges life throws at us.

We implement our wellbeing curriculum through:

  • Providing children with choice and challenge in their learning, providing them with opportunities to follow their interests.
  • Teachers provide 1:1 nurture time with children, this may include following a child’s interest to help them relax, providing them with a break away from a busy environment to calm, sharing a story or drawing and talking through problems and feelings.
  • Every class has a self-registration board, providing children the opportunity to share how they are feeling.
  • Every class has a family photos board.
  • Regular circle times and stories appropriate to the nurture needs of each class.
  • We make learning active where we can, making physical activity an integral part of our day.
  • We work collaboratively with our families and strive to achieve great relationships as these are essential in supporting our children.
  • Regular class trips, enrichment through music, a varied PE curriculum and exciting events across the year to inspire and motivate our children!

At Keeble Gateway Academy, we recognise the importance of work collaboratively with our families and working with outside agencies to support the well-being of our children.

Strategies we have used and continue to use to support our families:

  • Regular calls home during lockdown and attendance check ins
  • Postcards sent home to celebrate success
  • Sharing routine cards and feelings stick puppets to support with self-regulation at home
  • Recommending our favourite books which can help support children with understanding and communicating their feelings 

Some of the professionals we have consulted with include:

Our Opportunities Pledge offers not only lots of exciting and inspiring curriculum enhancements to support children's knowledge and understanding, but also provides a wealth of experiences that promote happiness and well-being.