Our PSHE and RSE curriculum is designed specifically for our children, considering our school context. It aims to embed safe practices as well as happiness, self-confidence and self-esteem. We promote a healthy, positive atmosphere for PSHE and RSE at Keeble. This ensures that children can ask questions freely, be confident that they will be answered, and be sure that they will be free from judgement. PSHE at Keeble prepares children for life in our modern, ever-changing world.
We have developed our PSHE and RSE curriculum by using the PSHE Association’s questions and resources and SCARF resources. Through the topics we cover, we aim to develop children’s self-awareness, positive self-esteem, and confidence to enable them to:
- stay healthy
- keep themselves and others safe
- develop social skills
- have worthwhile and fulfilling relationships
- respect the differences between people
- develop independence and responsibility
- play an active role as members of a democratic society
- make the most of their own and others’ abilities
- manage their feelings
- develop their self-awareness
- create an environment where good learning takes place
- promote Fundamental British Values and ensure that these are embedded into all aspects of school life.
Our aims:
- To inspire and engage our children, through a safe and happy learning environment, to achieve excellent standards in PSHE and RSE.
- To immerse our children in PSHE/RSE learning through real, relevant and purposeful examples that support their understanding.
- To prepare our children for life in modern Britain and the wider world, ensuring that they have a solid understanding of fundamental British Values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Tolerance, Mutual Respect and Individual Liberty.
- To allow a space for children to participate and engage in sensitive discussions.
- To prepare our children for puberty and given them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene.
- To help children develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy
- To create a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationships.
- To give children the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies.
- To understand and respect similarities/differences across families, relationships, beliefs and cultures.
- To ensure that children know how to keep themselves safe, assess and manage risks.
How we achieve our aims
- In EYFS, PSHE/RSE is taught through the PSED curriculum: Building Relationships, Managing Self and Self-Regulation. Children are supported through their play by highly skilled adults who intervene and support children to resolve problems, care for one another and manage their risks.
- Relationships education, like our PSHE curriculum, is embedded in the teaching of our wider curriculum. RSE is taught through our values and ethos as a school, as well as underpinning our behaviour policy. Aspects of Health and Well-being are taught in the science curriculum and then revisited through dedicated RSE/PSHE teaching.
- We use SCARF to support our planning and teaching of the PSHE/RSE curriculum
- RSE is taught in a weekly session in Y1-6, with the week's theme being further embedded in short daily PSHE sessions. The curriculum is mapped from Personal, Social, Emotional Development in EYFS to Year 6. The curriculum progresses each year (See curriculum progression document and PSHE/RSE policy).
- Relationships education focuses on teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships including: Families and people who care for me; Caring friendships; Respectful relationships; Online relationships; Being safe.
- The PSHE/RSE curriculum has been designed so that children are given real-life and purposeful opportunities in the local community for to apply their knowledge
- There are regular opportunities for discussion based tasks as well as moments for recorded learning and reflection.
How do we know we are achieving our aims?:
- Children are open, sensitive and reflective individuals who respond and manage issues in their own lives.
- Children have a deep moral understanding of the impact of their actions on others.
- Children use their debate skills across the curriculum, demonstrating respect and sensitivity.
Our current PSHE/RSE policy was consulted upon Autumn 2023