Every Child Achieves

Every Child Achieves


At Nursery, we endeavor to ensure that every child has the best  possible start to school life, by creating a calm and inviting environment where they feel safe and happy. We believe that relationships are key, both in school and with our families and this supports our little ones to settle quickly and make progress throughout all areas with confidence.


What does learning look like?

In the early years, we whole-heartedly believe in a child-led approach, every day is a new adventure as we follow the children’s interests, making play purposeful and learning exciting! We enhance provision to meet the needs and interests of every child, and each week we have focus children where we support them to make accelerated progress through their own personalized targets.

During the year, we really focus on developing the prime areas, as we believe that this builds the essential foundations, which help prepare children for a great start to Reception. We also deliver short phonics and maths activities each day, which are fun and engaging.

We use an online learning journal called Tapestry, where we can share photos and videos of the children’s learning.



 We hope you enjoy a tour of our beautiful Starlings classroom!